Liebster Award

WOW! I am so humbled and flattered that the lovely floralinkbooks nominated me for the Liebster Award. I just created my blog less than a month ago, so I was especially surprised and flattered to log in to my account and discover this nomination. Her blog is wonderful, so you all should definitely check it out! Thank you very much, Michaela.


1.) Thank the blogger that nominated you (as seen above).

2.) Answer the 11 questions the blogger designated for you to answer.

3.) Nominate 11 blogs who YOU think deserve this award.

4.) Give them 11 original questions to answer.

5.) Be sure to notify the blogs you have nominated.

Easy, right? Well, without further ado, let’s answer these questions!


1.) What is your favorite TV show at the moment? Do you prefer watching shows on a computer or a television?

My two favorite shows at the moment would definitely be The 100 and Once Upon A Time. I started watching The 100 between the first and second seasons and I really enjoy the show and the characters (Bellarke forever!). I marathoned Seasons 1, 2 & 3 of Once Upon A Time this spring, and I am officially addicted. I have yet to watch Season 4, but I am so excited to! Hook is my favorite character *heart eyes* and I also love Rumple. I prefer watching shows on a television!

2.) What inspired you to start a blog?

I just recently started my blog because I really enjoy reviewing books and my bookstagram, @booksbybritt, is a bit constrictive when it comes to crafting long reviews. I started my bookstagram a year ago, however, because I really enjoy discussing books and taking beautiful photos of them! Christine Riccio, the BookTuber at PolandbananasBOOKS, is also one of my biggest inspirations to blog and bookstagram. I likely wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her!

3.) Have you always been an avid reader or is it just something you’ve gotten into recently?

Yes and No. When I was a kid, I read ALL. THE. TIME. I was a pretty big reader from the time I could flip pages all the way until sixth grade. I even won an award for reading more than my entire class in fifth grade. When I was in middle school, however, I went through a ridiculously long reading slump that didn’t end until I read The Hunger Games trilogy at the end of my eight grade year. Upon it’s conclusion, I was blinded to the fact that there were other YA books in the universe (gasp!) and I didn’t read another book until my friend told me about the Divergent trilogy at the end on my freshmen year. I read both Divergent and Insurgent that summer, and eagerly awaited Allegiant’s release that October. Reading Allegiant on my own and Fahrenheit 451 at school at the same time was somehow the perfect formula to get me into obsessive reading. So I would say I’ve practically been a reader since birth, but not an avid reader until October 2013.

4.) What book world would you want to live in if given the chance?

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, post-Voldermort, without a shadow of a doubt. Attending Hogwarts to learn magic would be a dream come true!

5.) How often do you tend to buy books? And are you the type of person why buys books full price or wait until they’re on sale?

I tend to do a large book haul about once every three months with anywhere in-between 5-10 books (so about four a year). Those books are always on sale! I usually order my books off of Amazon. However, I always buy my anticipated releases the day they are released for full price at the store. The only other times I really buy books are if I am at an author signing, or if I am at the store and really see a book that jumps out at me that I need RIGHT now. Overall, I think I exercise pretty good book buying self-control! 😉

6.) Do you prefer to read hardback or paperback books?

I always buy my fantasy and dystopian books in hardcovers because they usually are in series and look prettier altogether on my shelf. I typically buy my contemporaries in paperback. I prefer to read paperback books because they are easier, but I am a vain bibliophile and buy hardcovers for the sake of beauty.

7.) Kiss, Marry, and Cliff three of your fictional boyfriends.

So narrowing my list down to three is basically impossible (especially when you have four favorites), but for the sake of this game, I am going to choose Liam Stewart from The Darkest Minds, Aaron Warner from Shatter Me, and Percy Jackson from, well, Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Sorry, Four, there’s no room for you here. Anyway, I would obviously choose to kiss Warner, because who wouldn’t?! We could definitely date for awhile. Then, I would marry Liam, because although he is furthest from my fictional type on my list, he is closest to my “real life” type, so therefore I think we would make the best couple and have a happy marriage. Sadly, I would cliff Percy, because although he is probably the book boyfriend closest to my heart, I wouldn’t want to interfere with my NUMBER ONE SHIP, and also he would be the most likely to survive because he could call up Jason to give him a ride down to the ground (if he wasn’t knocked out by a brick, of course, #brayson). And then when he got down to the ground we could be best friends.

8.) If you could only read one genre for the rest of your life, what would you pick and why?

Definitely Fantasy. Fantasy is such a broad genre, because it covers fairytales, mythology, high fantasy, and so much more. It also can contain anything from romance to magic, humor, action, and great dialogue, which are all the things I love in a good book.  Also, it’s my favorite genre!

9.) An author you wish you could meet or an author you have met?

I have been lucky enough to meet two of my favorite authors, Alexandra Bracken and Morgan Matson. A few other wonderful authors I have had the privilege of meeting are Kiera Cass, Marissa Meyer, and Marie Rutkoski. It would obviously be the DREAM to meet J.K. Rowling, but highly unlikely. Other authors I would really love to meet include Veronica Roth, Sarah J. Maas, and Rick Riordan!

10.) Someone broke in and stole your books, which book are you hoping they didn’t take with them?

If I only could hope for only one book it would be my annotated Bible, but obviously I would be hoping for as many books to still be there as possible! (especially my signed ones).

11.) You let a friend borrow a book and they return it in terrible condition. What do you do?

Well, I would like to say I would never find myself in this position because I only lend out my books to people that I trust to take good care of them. But if it were to happen, I probably wouldn’t say anything, but would not let that person borrow a book from me again.

I would like to nominate the following blogs:

1.) Becky from Blogs of a Bookaholic

2.) Silanur from aloofbooks

3.) hardworkboulevard

4.) Mara from acrossthebooks

5.) Nicka from readbynicka

6.) Yana from yashereads

7.) Cath from bookishsmaug

8.) Stephanie from stephaniesreads

9.) Trish from booksandtravels

10.) Anna from Enchanted by YA

11.) Alli from A Bookish Love Affair

And here are your questions!

1.) Looking back, what is the one book that has influenced you the most?

2.) What is your favorite quote or song lyric and why?

3.) What are your hobbies besides reading?

4.) What are your top 3 ships, and which is your OTP?

5.) What is the moment in your life in which you felt the most proud?

6.) If you could have an all-expenses paid trip, where would you travel?

7.) What is your all-time favorite movie, and what is the best movie you have seen in the past two months?

8.) If you could only read your favorite genre or everything but your favorite genre for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

9.) Pick your three favorite books. Now choose one to re-read, one to re-write, and one to burn.

10.) What is a book recommendation that you would give to someone who doesn’t like to read, and another recommendation you would give to someone who it seems has read everything?

11.) Who is the one person in your life you look up to the most?

Please be sure to tag me in your posts so I can see your answers! I can’t wait to hear what you have to say 🙂

XXX, Brittany

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certified fangirl, bibliophile, avid writer, music fanatic, vintage soul & daydreamer... 1 John 4:19

6 thoughts on “Liebster Award”

  1. Congrats on being nominated so quickly! It’s well deserved 🙂 and thanks for the nomination! I first posted this a while back but I’ll add you to it because I really appreciate it. Also fantasy is my favourite genre too ❤ which is one of the many reasons I love Oonce Upon A time (among Hook & Rumpelstiltskin who are my favourite characters)

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